Amino Acid

Neutral amino acids (maternal>fetal) are actively transported beyond the placenta forth a concentration gradient.

From: Comprehensive Toxicology , 2010

Nutrient Requirements/Nutritional Support in Premature Neonate

Richard J. Martin MBBS, FRACP , in Fanaroff and Martin'due south Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine , 2020

Intravenous Amino Acid Mixtures

The first parenteral amino acid solutions used in neonates were hydrolysates of fibrin or casein. Concerns about these offset-generation solutions included high concentrations of glycine, glutamate, and aspartate; the presence of unwanted peptides; and loftier acidity. Reports of hyperammonemia and acidosis in the early 1970s were associated with the employ of these first-generation solutions in neonates. Although amino acid solutions accept been significantly modified, the perceived risks associated with the protein hydrolysates linger, contributing to the hesitancy by some clinicians to administer early parenteral amino acids.

The second generation of amino acid solutions consisted of crystalline amino acrid mixtures (FreAmine 3, Travasol, Aminosyn). The amino acrid pattern of these mixtures reflects that of loftier-quality dietary proteins with large amounts of glycine and alanine, absenteeism of glutamate and aspartate, and absence or poor solubility of tyrosine and cysteine.

The newest solutions include modifications of crystalline amino acids for use in pediatric patients. The currently available solutions include modifications of crystalline amino acids for employ in pediatric and neonatal patients (Table 41.1). TrophAmine was originally formulated to match plasma amino acrid concentrations of healthy term, breastfed infants; Premasol is identical in limerick to TrophAmine. The composition of Primene, available outside the United states of america, was derived from fetal and neonatal cord blood concentrations. Both TrophAmine and Premasol supply a mixture of L-tyrosine and N-acetyltyrosine. The bioavailability of Northward-acetyltyrosine, however, has been questioned. Neither Aminosyn-PF nor Primene supplies a substantial corporeality of tyrosine. Cysteine is not supplied by most amino acid solutions, because it is not stable for long periods of fourth dimension in solution. However, cysteine hydrochloride tin be added during the compounding process simply prior to delivery of the solution.

It is no surprise that the ideal composition of intravenous amino acid mixtures is unknown. Although these solutions are widely used in the neonatal intensive care unit of measurement, normative data on plasma amino acrid concentrations, particularly in ELBW infants, has not been established. Whether the goal should be to match amino acid concentrations of term, breastfed infants or some other standard is non known. Clearly, the ultimate goal is to achieve plasma amino acrid concentrations in response to provision of parenteral nutrition that optimize both growth and neurodevelopment without toxicity. To optimize nutrition and growth, peculiarly in a premature infant, the requirements for specific amino acids need to be more precisely defined.

Several amino acids may be "conditionally essential" in premature infants. That is, the infant's ability to synthesize these amino acids de novo may be less than needed for functional metabolic demands. Cysteine, tyrosine, and arginine are oft considered conditionally essential amino acids for premature infants.


A. MacDonald , in Reference Module in Life Sciences, 2017

Large Neutral Amino Acids

Large neutral amino acid (LNAA) supplementation has been found to reduce brain phenylalanine levels despite consistently high blood phenylalanine levels ( van Spronsen et al., 2010). At the claret–brain barrier, phenylalanine shares a transporter with other LNAAs, for example, tyrosine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, histidine, methionine, threonine. LNAA's compete with phenylalanine for ship across the claret–brain bulwark. In PKU mice, LNAA's lowered claret and phenylalanine concentrations, alleviated encephalon deficiencies of some of the supplemented LNAA and increased brain serotonin and norepinephrine concentrations (van Vliet et al., 2015). Oral supplementation with LNAAs reduces brain phenylalanine and increases tyrosine and tryptophan concentrations (Pietz et al., 1999).

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Disorders of Malabsorption

Robert M. Kliegman Doc , in Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics , 2020

Disorders of Amino Acid and Peptide Assimilation

Protein digestion and assimilation in the intestine is accomplished by a combination of proteases, peptidases, and peptide and amino acid transporters. Amino acid transporters are essential for the absorption of amino acids from nutrients, mediate the inter-organ, intercellular transfer of amino acids and the transport of amino acids betwixt cellular compartments. Owing to their ontogenic origins, enterocytes and renal tubules share similar amino acid transporters. Their highest intestinal transporter activeness is found in the jejunum. The transporters causing Hartnup disease, cystinuria, iminoglycinuria, and dicarboxylic aminoaciduria are located in the apical membrane, and those causing lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI) and blue diaper syndrome are anchored in the basolateral membrane of the abdominal epithelium.

Dibasic amino acids, including cystine, ornithine, lysine, and arginine are taken upwardly past the Na-independent SLC3A1/SLC7A9, which is lacking in cystinuria. Cystinuria is the most common primary inherited aminoaciduria. This disorder is not associated with any GI or nutritional consequences because of compensation past an alternative transporter. However, hypersecretion of cystine in the urine leads to recurrent cystine stones, which account for up to vi–viii% of all urinary tract stones in children. Ample hydration, urine alkalinization, and cystine-bounden thiol drugs can increase the solubility of cystine. Cystinuria blazon I(SLC3A1) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, whether the transmission of not-type I cystinuria(SLC7A9) is autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance. Cystinuria type I has been described in association with 2p21 deletion syndrome and hypotonia-cystinuria syndrome.

LPI is the second most common disorder of amino acids transport (seeChapter 103.14). LPI is caused by y+LAT-1 (SLC7A7) carrier at the basolateral membrane of the abdominal and renal epithelium and the failure to deliver cytosolic dibasic cationic amino acids into the paracellular space. This defect is not compensated by the SLC3A1/SLC7A9 transporter at the apical membrane. The symptoms of LPI, which appear subsequently weaning, include diarrhea, failure to thrive, hepatosplenomegaly, nephritis, respiratory insufficiency, alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and osteoporosis. Abnormalities of bone marrow take also been described in a subgroup of LPI patients. The disorder is characterized by low plasma concentrations of dibasic amino acids (in contrast to loftier levels of citrulline, glutamine, and alanine) and massive excretion of lysine (also as orotic acid, ornithine, and arginine in moderate backlog) in the urine. Hyperammonemia and coma unremarkably develop later on episodic attacks of airsickness, after fasting, or post-obit the administration of large amounts of protein (or alanine load), possibly because of a deficiency of intramitochondrial ornithine. Some patients prove moderate retardation. Cutaneous manifestations tin can include alopecia, perianal dermatitis, and thin hair. Some patients avert poly peptide-containing food. Immune dysfunction potentially attributable to nitric oxide overproduction secondary to arginine intracellular trapping might be the pathophysiological route explaining many LPI complications, including hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, various autoimmune disorders, and an incompletely characterized immune deficiency. Handling includes dietary protein restriction (<1.5 thousand/kg/day), orally administered citrulline (100 mg/kg/day), which is well captivated from the intestine and carnitine supplementation.

Amino acids: Metabolism

P.W. Emery , in Encyclopedia of Human being Nutrition (Third Edition), 2013

Amino Acid Pools

Gratuitous amino acids make up only approximately 2% of the total amino acid content of the torso, the residuum being nowadays as poly peptide. The concentrations of free amino acids are regulated largely by modulation of their catabolic pathways, though in the example of nonessential amino acids there is also some regulation of the rate at which they are synthesized. There is some evidence that the rates of protein synthesis and deposition are regulated by amino acid supply and that this is another homeostatic mechanism interim to maintain complimentary amino acrid concentrations within safe limits. Protein deposition is suppressed following a meal containing protein, and the charge per unit of poly peptide synthesis may be increased, so that there is internet storage of amino acids as protein. Subsequently, in the postabsorbtive country these changes in the rates of protein synthesis and breakdown are reversed, and then that there is net release of amino acids from protein. In nongrowing adults these changes balance out over a 24-h period, so that there is no net change in trunk poly peptide content. The amplitude of these diurnal changes in the rates of protein synthesis and degradation appears to vary in directly proportion to the corporeality of protein which an individual habitually consumes.

Costless amino acids are institute in all cells of the trunk and in extracellular fluid. They are transported betwixt tissues in the plasma and transported into cells by a diverseness of transport mechanisms which are relatively specific for particular groups of amino acids (see Table 1). Amino acids are besides nowadays in red blood cells, but their function in interorgan transport appears to differ from that of plasma. For example, the plasma amino acid concentration increases as claret traverses the gastrointestinal tract after a repast whereas the amino acid content of blood cells actually decreases.

Table 1. Amino acid transport systems

Organization Sodium dependence Preferred amino acids
A Yeah Alanine, serine, glycine, methionine, proline
L No Leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, histidine
ASCP Yes Alanine, serine, cysteine, proline
Ly Yes Lysine, histidine, arginine, ornithine
ten A Yeah Aspartate
x G Yes Glutamate
x C No Aspartate, glutamate, cystine
y+ Yes Lysine, arginine, histidine
β Yes β-Alanine, taurine
b0,+ No Lysine, leucine
Gly Aye Glycine, sarcosine
N Yep Histidine, glutamine, asparagine
Imino Yes Proline

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Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Richard J. Martin MBBS, FRACP , in Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine , 2020

Amino Acid Analysis

The most commonly performed of the specialized studies is probably quantitative plasma and urinary amino acid assay. 4,fifteen,16 Some laboratories provide a qualitative amino acrid screening written report performed by paper or thin-layer chromatography as part of their screening protocol. Although this report may be useful, it does not substitute for a quantitative decision when the clinical findings suggest a disorder that is reflected in an abnormal amino acid pattern (Table 90.13). In most cases, a complete quantitative analysis is required, whereas in other situations, specific amino acids should be the focus of attention.

For example, when evaluating a patient with hyperammonemia, information technology is important to inform the laboratory personnel so that they will wait for argininosuccinic acrid and its anhydrides; otherwise, these metabolites could be overlooked or misinterpreted. This recommendation to inform the laboratory of the clinical context of the investigation applies as to the other specialized studies discussed hither.

Quantitative amino acrid analysis of CSF is non usually indicated, just information technology should be performed when advisable, such as in the context of a hypotonic newborn infant who has seizures and an elevated plasma glycine level that is not accompanied past acidosis or ketosis. These findings suggest the diagnosis of nonketotic hyperglycinemia. The plasma glycine level may be only minimally elevated in some patients with nonketotic hyperglycinemia. The biochemical hallmark of this disorder is an elevated ratio of CSF glycine to plasma glycine.

Nutritional Direction of Acute Renal Failure

Wilfred Druml , William Eastward. Mitch , in Therapy in Nephrology & Hypertension (Tertiary Edition), 2008

Amino Acid Solutions

Amino acid solutions containing exclusively essential amino acids should no longer be used. There is controversy whether parenteral diet for ARF patients should consist of general amino acid solutions containing essential amino acids plus nonessential amino acids in standard proportions or should exist limited to nephro solutions that contain essential amino acids in modified proportions and specific nonessential amino acids that might exist conditionally essential. For case, tyrosine is regarded every bit a conditionally essential amino acid in ARF patients, but tyrosine has a depression water-solubility alphabetize. Consequently, tyrosine is supplied as tyrosine dipeptides such as glycyl tyrosine in modern nephro solutions because the conjugates increase tyrosine solubility. Glutamine has been termed a conditionally essential amino acrid in catabolic affliction because it may exert beneficial effects on renal part and can improve survival in critically ill patients. These benefits were found to be most pronounced in ARF patients (4 of 24 survivors without, 14 of 23 with glutamine, P < .02). 56 Since free glutamine is not stable in aqueous solutions, glutamine-containing dipeptides can be given as a glutamine source for parenteral nutrition. Despite considerable investigation, there is no persuasive testify that mixtures enriched with branched-concatenation amino acids exert meaning blunting of protein catabolism and loss of muscle mass.

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Renal processing

Martin Kohlmeier , in Nutrient Metabolism, 2003

Salvage of complex nutrients

Complex nutrients are recovered very efficiently from ultrafiltrate in the proximal renal lumen as long as intake levels are modest and renal role is normal. Some of this reabsorptive activity continues in parts of the distal tubule. The luminal side of the tubular epithelial cells has a brush border membrane with numerous specific send systems that mediate the uptake of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, vitamins and most other essential nutrients. In many instances these are the same systems that also mediate food uptake across the small-scale intestinal brush border membrane. The major driving force for uptake from the lumen into the tubular epithelial cells is the depression intracellular sodium concentration that is maintained by sodium/potassium ATPase at the basolateral membrane of both proximal and distal tubular cells. Boosted gradients involved in tubular reuptake include protons, formate, and an electric potential deviation which favors inflow of cations. Receptor-mediated pinocytosis is some other of import mechanism of concentrative send.

In most cases a distinct fix of transporters and channels then mediates the ship out of the epithelial cell across the basolateral membrane, this time mainly driven by the concentration slope of the transported molecules, by antiport mechanisms, or by agile transport. Once they accept reached the basolateral intercellular space the molecules tin then move into the luminal infinite of peritubular claret capillaries by uncomplicated diffusion. Neither the basement membrane adjacent to the tubular cell layer nor the (fenestrated) epithelium of the capillaries constitutes a significant barrier to this last step of solute transfer from tubular lumen to capillary lumen.

Carbohydrates: The sugar content of the ultrafiltrate reflects the composition of plasma, since these small molecules are readily filtered. Recovery of D-glucose and D-galactose from the lumen via sodium/glucose cotransporters proceeds with high chapters and low analogousness in segments S1 and S2 of the proximal tubule, and with low capacity merely loftier analogousness in segment S3. Glucose salvage becomes noticeably incomplete (i.e. glucose appears in urine) when the concentration in blood exceeds about 180 mg/dl; this threshold rises as GFR decreases (Rose, 1989, 102–3). Fructose crosses the brush border membrane via its own transporter, GLUT5 (Mate et al., 2001). D-mannose uptake across the castor border membrane proceeds via a sodium-dependent transporter distinct from the sodium-glucose transporters. Its renal recovery is a critical chemical element for the regulation of D-mannose homeostasis (Blasco et al., 2000).

All major sugars are transferred across the basolateral membrane past the glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2).

Citrate: The sodium/dicarboxylate cotransporter (NaDC-ane, SLC13A2) in the proximal tubule mediates citrate recovery. The efficiency of this process is determined past acid–base balance, increasing with acidosis. Since citrate competes with phosphate and oxalate for binding to calcium, its remainder concentration in urine contributes to protection against calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stone formation (Coe and Parks, 1988). Daily citrate excretion typically is several hundred milligrams (Schwille et al., 1979).

Proteins and amino acids: Several specific proteins, including retinol-binding poly peptide, vitamin D-binding protein, transcobalamin-II, insulin, and lysozyme, are taken upward intact past megalin-mediated endocytosis as described in more detail below.

Most of the smaller proteins are hydrolyzed by various brush border exoenzymes, including membrane Pro-X carboxypeptidase (EC3.4.17.16) and angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE; EC3.4.15.1).

Two distinct sodium/peptide cotransporters then mediate the uptake of di- and tripeptides, just non of free amino acids. Sodium/peptide cotransporter 1 (PepT1, SLC15A1) in the S1 segment of the proximal tubule has lower affinity for the oligopeptides than sodium/peptide cotransporter 2 (PepT2, SLC15A2) in the S3 segment (Shen et al., 1999).

Neutral amino acids enter epithelial cells mainly via the sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporters B (Avissar el al., 2001), ASCT2, and B∘,+. Glutamate and aspartate utilize the EAAC1/X- AG ship system. The sodium-dependent transporters GAT-1 and GAT-3, which are better known for their role in neurotransmitter recovery in brain, ferry gamma-amino butyric acrid (GABA), hypotaurine, and beta-alanine beyond the proximal tubular brush border membrane (Muth et al., 1998). Proline, hydroxyproline, taurine, and beta-alanine are taken upwardly past the sodium-dependent imino transporter (Urdaneta et al., 1998), and betaine enters via the sodium- and chloride-dependent betaine transporter (SLC6A12). Taurine uptake via the taurine transporter (TAUT, SLC6A6) is sodium- and chloride-dependent (Chesney et al., 1990). High concentrations of osmolytes, such as taurine and betaine, protect epithelial cells confronting the high osmotic pressure in the medulla.

Figure iv.four. Diverse mechanisms mediate the recovery of nutrients from the proximal tubular lumen

Specificity and chapters of the sodium-dependent transporters is expanded considerably past the rBAT (SLC3A1)-linked transporter BAT1 (SLC7A9). This transporter, which accounts for most, if not all, activity of system bo,+, shuttles modest and large neutral amino acids across the brush border membrane in exchange for other neutral amino acids. Carnitine enters the jail cell via the organic cation transporter OCTN2 in exchange for tetraethylammonium or other organic cations (Ohashi et al., 2001).

Table 4.4. Amino acrid transporters in the homo kidney

Transporters In Out In
ASC Na+ . M,A, Due south,C,T
B°/B/NBB Na+ . V, I, L,T, F, W, [A, S, C]
B°,+ Na+ . H, C, R, taurine, beta-alanine, carnitine
TAUT 2Na+Cl- . Taurine, beta-alanine
BGT-1 3 Na+ . Betaine
GAT-1 and GAT-3 NaCl . GABA, hypotaurine, beta-alanine
IMINO Na+ . P, OH-P, taurine, beta-alanine
EAAC1/X AG 3Na+ k+ D, East
OCTN2 Na+ . Carnitine
y′ Cat (Na+) . R, G, ornithine, choline, polyamines
BAT1/b°,++ rBAT . Neutral amino acids Thou, H, R, E, D, S,T, F, W, G, A, C, V, I, L, P, M, cystine, ornithine
A Na+ . A,S,Q
ASC T1 Na+ . 1000, A, S, C, T
TAUT NaCl . Taurine, beta-alanine
BGT-1/GAT-two NaCl . Betaine, hypotaurine, beta-alanine
system T (TAT1) . . F, Y, W
asc ? ? Chiliad, A, S, C, T?
y(+)LATI (SLC7A7) +4F2 Amino acids K, R, H, Q, N, ornithine, choline, orotate
LAT2 + 4 F Neutral amino acids Y, F, W,T, N, I, C, Due south, 50, 5, Q, [H, A, M, M]

Amino acids are utilized to some extent in tubular epithelial cells for protein synthesis, energy product and other metabolic pathways. The case of hydroxyproline is somewhat special, because the kidneys are the primary sites of its metabolism, mainly to serine and glycine (Lowry et al., 1985). Hydroxyproline is derived from dietary collagen and from endogenous musculus, connective tissue, and bone turnover. It reaches the mitochondria of the tubular epithelial cells through a translocator that is distinct from that for proline (Atlante et al., 1994). Hydroxyproline is then oxidized by 4-oxoproline reductase (hydroxyproline oxidase; EC1.1.1.104) to 4-oxoproline (Kim et al., 1997).

4-Hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (EC4.1.three.xvi) generates pyruvate and glyoxylate. Glycine is produced when the pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase ( uses alanine for the amination of glyoxylate.

Transport: The principal sodium-dependent amino acid transporters of the basolateral membrane are organisation A (preferentially transports alanine, serine, glutamine) and ASCT1 (alanine, serine, cysteine, threonine). Cyberspace transfer of individual amino acids importantly depends on their own concentration gradient. As on the luminal side, some transporters operate in exchange mode. Small-scale neutral amino acids are the main counter molecules, because their concentration is the highest. Functional studies have characterized send system asc for small neutral amino acids, but no respective gene or protein has been identified, yet. Glycoprotein 4F2 anchors the amino acid exchangers typical for this side to the basolateral membrane (Verrey et al., 1999). The Fifty-type transporter LAT2 (SLC7A8) accepts most neutral amino acids for send in either direction. Arginine and other cationic amino acids can pass through related heterodimers; one of these is 4F2 in combination with y(+)LAT1 (SLCA7), another one consists of 4F2 and y(+)LAT2 (SLC7A6). These transporters can exchange a cationic amino acid for a neutral amino acid plus a sodium ion. GAT-2 mediates betaine, beta-alanine, and some taurine send. The same compounds may likewise leave via the sodium chloride-dependent taurine transporter (SLC6A6).

Urea: One of the major functions of the kidneys is to eliminate the potentially toxic end products of amino acrid utilization. Every bit the tubular fluid is concentrated, a urea concentration gradient builds upwards that bulldoze the passive diffusion of urea beyond the tubular epithelium into the peritubular blood capillary. This improvidence is little hindered by jail cell membranes, because these are readily permeable to lipid soluble urea. Due to this reabsorption only about half of the filtered urea (>50 g/24-hour interval) is excreted with urine. A much smaller corporeality of poly peptide-derived nitrogen is excreted as ammonia. The ammonia tin exist generated from glutamine by glutaminase and is secreted into the distal (S3) part of the proximal tubulus via the sodium-hydrogen ion antiporter (SLC9A1) in a sodium/ammonium ion exchange fashion.

Vitamins: The virtually pregnant outcome of the kidney may be on vitamin D. After information technology is synthesized in the skin or absorbed from nutrient, vitamin D is converted rapidly to 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OH-D) in the liver. 25-OH-D is secreted into claret where it circulates in clan with vitamin D-binding protein (VBP). Attributable to its relatively pocket-size size, a meaning percentage of the complex gets into renal ultrafiltrate. Megalin, a member of the lipoprotein-receptor family, binds VBP and mediates its uptake into the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule. 25-OH-D can so be hydroxylated past mitochondrial vitamin D-1 alpha-hydroxylase (P450cl alpha, CYP27B1) to i,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D (i,25-(OH)ii-D). Parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin (Shinki et al., 1999), phosphate concentration in claret (Prince et al., 1988), and other factors tightly command the rate of ane,25-(OH)2-D synthesis. In situations of limited vitamin D availability, all the same, the supply of precursor taken up from the proximal lumen is of import. Macerated filtration in patients with end-stage renal disease severely limits vitamin D activation with all the attendant consequences of one,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D deficiency.

Cobalamin uptake from the proximal lumen is mediated past megalin as well. In blood, and hence in the filtrate, transcobalamin II is the cobalamin carrier protein. Boosted transcobalamin 2 appears to be secreted into the proximal tubular lumen, which would ensure maximal recovery. Contrast this with the mechanism for intestinal absorption, where cobalamin is leap to intrinsic factor and taken upward via cubilin.

Retinol, which circulates in blood jump to retinol-binding protein (RBP), is another vitamin relying on megalin for relieve from ultrafiltrate.

Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP) is a blood ship protein for lipophilic (xenobiotic) substances, including polychlorinated biphenyl metabolites. This versatile carrier, with any ligands that might be attached to information technology, is extracted from principal filtrate by cubilin. The circuitous is so targeted towards lysosomes past its coreceptor megalin (Burmeister et al., 2001; Christensen and Birn, 2001).

Thiamin pyrophosphate is dephosphorylated and the costless thiamin taken upward from the tubular lumen past a thiamin/H+antiporter with a ane:1 stoichiometric ratio (Gastaldi et al., 2000). Send beyond the basolateral membrane uses an as yet uncharacterized ATP-driven thiamin carrier. Similarly, a nucleotide pyrophosphatase (EC3.6.1.nine) cleaves several vitamin-derived nucleotides, including NAD, NADP, FAD, and coenzyme A. While this enzyme is certainly expressed in the distal tubule, its presence in proximal tubules has not been reported. The free vitamers (riboflavin, niacin, pantothenate) can exist taken upwardly via their respective send systems. Pantothenate, like biotin and lipoate are taken up from the proximal tubular lumen via the sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (SLC5A6).

Folate is recovered from the proximal tubular lumen by folate receptors; the reduced folate carrier 1(SLC19A1) then completes transport across the basolateral membrane in exchange for organic phosphate (Sikka and McMartin, 1998; Wang et al., 2001).

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Sverre Grimnes , Ørjan Grand Martinsen , in Bioimpedance and Bioelectricity Basics (Tertiary Edition), 2015


Gratuitous amino acids, proteins, ions, colloidal particles, bacteria, and cells are possible charged particles migrating in an electric field; therefore, they can be studied by electrophoresis. Every bit described in Section 7.five, some molecules of the solvent are attached charges on the particle; hence, some solvent will motility together with the particle. This is a role of the electrophoretic outcome.

Electrophoretic flux could be calculated from the zeta potential, the permittivity, and the viscosity. Because these quantities are difficult to guess, electrophoretic mobility is a more practical quantity. Migration velocity is simple to measure out, and the unlike electrophoretic mobility is the footing of a very powerful in vitro analytical tool for amino acids and proteins in clinical laboratories (Table 2.8).

Table two.eight. Electrophoretic Mobility [10eight  10002/Vs] at pH 7.0

Particle Mobility
Human blood cells −1
Streptococcus −1
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus −1.v
Proton +37
Cl −7
Colloidal gilded −3.2
Oil droplets −3.1

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Metabolic management and nutritional support in acute kidney injury

Wilfred Druml , in Nutritional Management of Renal Affliction (Fourth Edition), 2022

Components of the parenteral nutrition solution

Amino acid solutions: In the early days of nutritional support of AKI patients, amino acid solutions containing only essential amino acids were used. This do was based on the concept of diets providing very low amounts of poly peptide nutrition or essential amino acids for the treatment of CKD patients. These amino acid solutions are incomplete, take an unbalanced limerick, and in large amounts (i.e., >twoscore  grand or essential amino acids per day with no nonessential amino acids) may crusade such life-threatening complications as hyperammonemic coma. They have been abandoned in favor of solutions containing essential and nonessential amino acids.

The standard complete amino acrid solutions that are used for patients without renal dysfunction are recommended for patients with AKI. In several countries, specific amino acid solutions adapted to the metabolic alterations of AKI are also available [66]. These solutions may incorporate different combinations of essential and nonessential amino acids and higher concentrations of conditionally essential amino acids. Some of these solutions are supplemented with a tyrosine containing dipeptide, such as glycyl-tyrosine, as a source of this conditionally essential amino acid in uremia. The advantage of the dipeptide is its greater solubility; tyrosine has a depression solubility in h2o and cannot be added to an amino acid solution every bit the gratuitous amino acid in adequate amounts [81]. Beyond normalizing the plasma amino acid pattern and improving nitrogen balance, whether these modified solutions tin improve clinical outcome remains to exist shown. In general, disease-specific amino acid solutions are non recommended for the nutritional support of critically ill patients [11,12].

In beast experiments, information technology has been demonstrated that amino acids imbalances exert negative furnishings non only on protein metabolism just also on more than complex cellular functions such as signaling pathways and gene activation [172]. These new insights may potentially stimulate a renewed interest in disease-modified amino acid solutions.

For the hypercatabolic critically ill patient glutamine has been regarded every bit a conditionally essential amino acid. An intake 0.3   m glutamine/kg BW/d has been recommended for these patients. Since free glutamine is not stable in aqueous solutions, glutamine-containing dipeptides (such equally alanyl-glutamine) are used as the glutamine source in PN. Several contempo studies, yet, have not demonstrated benign furnishings of glutamine supplementation [173]. In a secondary analysis of a big RCT, patients with renal injury who were randomized to receive glutamine had a college mortality [65]. In contempo recommendations, renal failure, as with hepatic failure, is considered to be a contraindications for glutamine supplementation [eleven,12].

Glucose: Glucose should exist the main energy substrate. In dissimilarity to earlier recommendations, glucose intake must be restricted to 2 to a maximum of 4   g/kg BW/d. This is recommended because additional glucose above these doses may not be oxidized yielding energy simply may be directed to lipogenesis with fatty infiltration of the liver. Higher glucose doses may also produce excessive carbon dioxide, promoting hypercapnia in patients with reduced pulmonary function and impair immunocompetence, thereby increasing the risk of infectious complications.

Glucose tolerance is decreased in AKI, and infusion of insulin is frequently necessary to prevent hyperglycemia, which presents not simply a risk factor for complications (especially infections) but also for renal injury and other organ complications (vide supra). The therapeutic target during nutritional back up in the critically ill is no longer normoglycemia, however. Plasma glucose levels should non exceed 180   mg/dL [12]. It should be noted that during PN, insulin requirements are approximately 25% higher than during enteral nutrition. The amount of glucose infused and, hence, the risk of developing hyperglycemia tin exist reduced by limiting energy intake and providing a portion of the energy by lipid emulsions.

Lipid emulsions: The changes in lipid metabolism associated with AKI should not prevent the use of lipid emulsions, but the amount infused must be adjusted to the patient's chapters to clear and utilize lipids. Plasma triglyceride concentrations should be monitored regularly. Usually, i   g fat/kg BW/day volition non increment plasma triglycerides substantially.

Conventional lipid emulsions mostly comprise institute oils (soy oil, safflower oil) with a high content of polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids (PUFA). PUFA-derived eicosanoids may exert proinflammatory, vasoconstrictor, and thrombocyte proaggregatory furnishings. In that location is an ongoing word every bit to whether lipid emulsions with a lower content of these PUFA (due east.g., partly replacing soybean oil with olive oil, fish oil, or medium-chain triglycerides) are preferable for PN in critically ill patients [174]. Alternative oils, and peculiarly fish oil–containing omega-3 fatty acids, can serve as precursors for potentially more beneficial eicosanoids and—importantly—for a novel class of lipid mediators, protectins, and resolvins, which are essential for the resolution of an inflammatory process [175]. In the experimental situation, fish oil tin exert nephroprotective actions and prolong survival [54]. Again, systematic clinical studies in patients with AKI are not bachelor.

Withal, in several countries, such modified lipid emulsions containing a variable mixture of diverse oils (soy oil, coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil) accept get available recently, and diverse international nutrition societies recommend the use of these modified lipids in PN [174].

Micronutrients: PN solutions must be consummate and thus must incorporate all essential micronutrients. Multivitamin and multitrace element preparations are available that tin can be added straight to the nutrition solution. As discussed previously, double amounts of water-soluble vitamins should be provided. If higher selenium supplements are to exist infused, an extra infusion should be employed for selenium, because of potential nutrient interactions (e.thou., between vitamin C and selenium). Increased amounts of vitamin D or its analogs also should be provided to embrace the greater requirement for this vitamin.

Electrolytes: Electrolyte requirements must exist carefully assessed on a day-to-day ground and must be adapted individually. Electrolytes to handle basal requirements tin can be added to the diet solution. More than pronounced electrolyte deficits may be covered with separate infusions.

PN solutions: The utilize of total nutritional admixtures (all-in-ane solutions) has become standard worldwide. These solutions either are standard products provided by the pharmaceutical manufacture, usually in multichamber bags (MCBs) with a long shelf life or custom-made by the hospital chemist's or compounding companies. The use of MCBs helps to reduce costs and also the risk of infection [176]. Commonly, these MCBs contain basic solutions containing the three macronutrients, glucose, amino acids, and a lipid emulsion, and variable amounts of electrolytes. H2o- and lipid-soluble vitamins, trace elements, and other electrolytes are be added as required before apply.

When enteral nutrition is not possible, PN should as well be started early in patients with AKI. To ensure maximal nutrient utilization and to avoid metabolic derangements, the infusion should be started at a low rate (see previously), providing about 30% of requirements initially and gradually increasing over several days. The nutrition solution should be infused continuously over 24   hours to ensure optimal substrate utilization and to avert marked changes in substrate concentrations in patients who may have decreased power to utilize the nutrients.

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Simulation and Modelling

1000.Y. Sanbonmatsu , ... P.C. Whitford , in Comprehensive Biophysics, 2012


A site

Holder of the aminoacyl-tRNA on the ribosome. The aminoacyl-tRNA delivers a unmarried amino acid to the newly forming poly peptide.


Cryogenic electron microscopy is a method to image ribosomes in solution.

Decoding middle

The region of the small ribosomal subunit that reads out the mRNA codon.

Due east site

Holder of the exiting tRNA on the ribosome.

Big subunit

The region of the ribosome responsible for peptide bond germination.

L1 stem

A mobile region of the large ribosomal subunit that may play a role in tRNA dissociation from the ribosome.

L7/L12 stalk

A mobile region of the large ribosomal subunit thought to recruit factors to the ribosome.


The molecule that carries genetic information to the ribosome.

Peptidyl transferase centre

The region of the large ribosomal subunit where peptide bond formation occurs.

P site

Holder of the peptidyl-tRNA on the ribosome. The peptidyl-tRNA carries the newly forming protein.


Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulation is a method that simulates a distribution of systems, each with a unlike temperature. The method achieves enhanced sampling compared with standard molecular dynamics simulations.


The universal molecular automobile responsible for protein synthesis.

Single molecule FRET

Single molecule Forster resonance energy transfer is a method to study the motility of parts of single ribosomes.

Small subunit

The region of the ribosome responsible for decoding genetic information.

Structure-based simulation

A new molecular dynamics simulation method that uses an ll-atom Become model potential.


The adaptor molecule that converts the four-letter of the alphabet nucleic acid alphabet into the twenty-alphabetic character poly peptide alphabet.

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