How to Read Whitman's Sampler Expiration Date

How To Resample and Interpolate Your Time Series Data With Python

Last Updated on February eleven, 2020

You may have observations at the wrong frequency.

Maybe they are too granular or non granular enough. The Pandas library in Python provides the capability to change the frequency of your time series data.

In this tutorial, y'all will discover how to employ Pandas in Python to both increment and decrease the sampling frequency of fourth dimension series information.

Later completing this tutorial, you will know:

  • About time series resampling, the 2 types of resampling, and the 2 chief reasons why you lot need to use them.
  • How to use Pandas to upsample fourth dimension series data to a college frequency and interpolate the new observations.
  • How to use Pandas to downsample time series data to a lower frequency and summarize the higher frequency observations.

Kick-start your project with my new book Time Serial Forecasting With Python, including step-past-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples.

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  • Update Dec/2016: Fixed definitions of upsample and downsample.
  • Updated Apr/2019: Updated the link to dataset.

How To Resample and Interpolate Your Time Series Data With Python

How To Resample and Interpolate Your Time Serial Data With Python
Photo past sung ming whang, some rights reserved.


Resampling involves irresolute the frequency of your time serial observations.

Two types of resampling are:

  1. Upsampling: Where you increment the frequency of the samples, such every bit from minutes to seconds.
  2. Downsampling: Where you lot decrease the frequency of the samples, such equally from days to months.

In both cases, information must be invented.

In the case of upsampling, intendance may be needed in determining how the fine-grained observations are calculated using interpolation. In the case of downsampling, intendance may be needed in selecting the summary statistics used to calculate the new aggregated values.

There are perchance ii chief reasons why you may be interested in resampling your time series data:

  1. Problem Framing: Resampling may be required if your data is not available at the same frequency that you lot want to make predictions.
  2. Feature Technology: Resampling can besides be used to provide additional structure or insight into the learning problem for supervised learning models.

There is a lot of overlap betwixt these 2 cases.

For example, you may have daily data and want to predict a monthly problem. You could apply the daily data directly or you could downsample it to monthly information and develop your model.

A feature engineering perspective may use observations and summaries of observations from both time scales and more in developing a model.

Permit'south make resampling more concrete by looking at a real dataset and some examples.

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Shampoo Sales Dataset

This dataset describes the monthly number of sales of shampoo over a 3 twelvemonth period.

The units are a sales count and there are 36 observations. The original dataset is credited to Makridakis, Wheelwright, and Hyndman (1998).

  • Download the dataset.

Below is a sample of the first v rows of data, including the header row.

Beneath is a plot of the unabridged dataset.

Shampoo Sales Dataset

Shampoo Sales Dataset

The dataset shows an increasing tendency and possibly some seasonal components.

Load the Shampoo Sales Dataset

Download the dataset and place information technology in the current working directory with the filename "shampoo-sales.csv".

  • Download the dataset.

The timestamps in the dataset do non have an absolute year, simply do accept a month. We tin write a custom date parsing function to load this dataset and pick an capricious year, such as 1900, to baseline the years from.

Below is a snippet of code to load the Shampoo Sales dataset using the custom engagement parsing function from read_csv().

Running this example loads the dataset and prints the first 5 rows. This shows the correct handling of the dates, baselined from 1900.

Nosotros also get a plot of the dataset, showing the rising trend in sales from month to month.

Plot of the Shamoo Sales Dataset

Plot of the Shampoo Sales Dataset

Upsample Shampoo Sales

The observations in the Shampoo Sales are monthly.

Imagine we wanted daily sales information. We would have to upsample the frequency from monthly to daily and apply an interpolation scheme to fill up in the new daily frequency.

The Pandas library provides a part called resample() on the Series and DataFrame objects. This can be used to group records when downsampling and making infinite for new observations when upsampling.

We tin use this function to transform our monthly dataset into a daily dataset by calling resampling and specifying the preferred frequency of calendar twenty-four hour period frequency or "D".

Pandas is clever and you lot could just as easily specify the frequency equally "1D" or fifty-fifty something domain specific, such as "5D." Run into the farther reading section at the end of the tutorial for the list of aliases that you can employ.

Running this case prints the commencement 32 rows of the upsampled dataset, showing each day of Jan and the outset day of February.

We can come across that the resample() function has created the rows by putting NaN values in the new values. We tin see we still take the sales volume on the first of January and February from the original information.

Next, nosotros tin interpolate the missing values at this new frequency.

The Series Pandas object provides an interpolate() function to interpolate missing values, and there is a nice selection of simple and more complex interpolation functions. You lot may have domain knowledge to aid cull how values are to be interpolated.

A skillful starting point is to use a linear interpolation. This draws a straight line betwixt bachelor data, in this case on the showtime of the calendar month, and fills in values at the called frequency from this line.

Running this example, nosotros can see interpolated values.

Looking at a line plot, nosotros see no difference from plotting the original information every bit the plot already interpolated the values betwixt points to draw the line.

Shamoo Sales Interpolated Linear

Shampoo Sales Interpolated Linear

Some other mutual interpolation method is to use a polynomial or a spline to connect the values.

This creates more curves and can await more than natural on many datasets. Using a spline interpolation requires you specify the guild (number of terms in the polynomial); in this case, an order of ii is just fine.

Running the example, we can first review the raw interpolated values.

Reviewing the line plot, we can see more natural curves on the interpolated values.

Shamoo Sales Interpolated Spline

Shampoo Sales Interpolated Spline

Generally, interpolation is a useful tool when y'all have missing observations.

Next, we will consider resampling in the other direction and decreasing the frequency of observations.

Downsample Shampoo Sales

The sales data is monthly, but perhaps we would adopt the information to be quarterly.

The year can exist divided into 4 business organization quarters, iii months a piece.

Instead of creating new rows between existing observations, the resample() function in Pandas will group all observations past the new frequency.

Nosotros could use an alias similar "3M" to create groups of three months, but this might accept trouble if our observations did not start in Jan, Apr, July, or October. Pandas does have a quarter-enlightened allonym of "Q" that we can use for this purpose.

We must at present decide how to create a new quarterly value from each group of iii records. A good starting signal is to calculate the average monthly sales numbers for the quarter. For this, we can apply the hateful() function.

Putting this all together, we go the following code example.

Running the case prints the get-go 5 rows of the quarterly information.

We also plot the quarterly information, showing Q1-Q4 beyond the 3 years of original observations.

Shamoo Sales Upsampled Quarterly

Shampoo Sales Downsampled Quarterly

Perhaps we want to go further and turn the monthly data into yearly data, and perhaps later utilize that to model the following year.

We tin can downsample the data using the alias "A" for twelvemonth-end frequency and this fourth dimension employ sum to summate the total sales each yr.

Running the example shows the 3 records for the 3 years of observations.

We as well get a plot, correctly showing the year along the x-axis and the total number of sales per year along the y-axis.

Shamoo Sales Upsampled Yearly Sum

Shampoo Sales Downsampled Yearly Sum

Further Reading

This department provides links and further reading for the Pandas functions used in this tutorial.

  • pandas.Series.resample API documentation for more on how to configure the resample() role.
  • Pandas Time Series Resampling Examples for more than full general code examples.
  • Pandas Offset Aliases used when resampling for all the born methods for changing the granularity of the information.
  • pandas.Serial.interpolate API documentation for more than on how to configure the interpolate() function.


In this tutorial, y'all discovered how to resample your time serial data using Pandas in Python.

Specifically, you learned:

  • About fourth dimension serial resampling and the difference and reasons between downsampling and upsampling observation frequencies.
  • How to upsample time series information using Pandas and how to use different interpolation schemes.
  • How to downsample time serial information using Pandas and how to summarize grouped data.

Practise y'all accept whatever questions about resampling or interpolating time series data or nigh this tutorial?
Ask your questions in the comments and I volition exercise my best to reply them.

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