Lost My Mind Imma Lose It Again

6 Simple Sanity Savers for When I Feel Like I'm Going to Lose My Mind

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I'm not handling my stress well. I can literally feel the tension in my body.  My shoulders are sore and my jaw is tight.  At times I can feel the anxiety squeezing my chest.

Today has been one of those days.

I gathered my jewelry out of Grace's room and sternly told both kids that playing in my jewelry box was a big no-no.  Noah dumped his breakfast out of the bowl and all over his tray.  He does this at every. single. meal.  Toys were fought over.  I found a piece of chewed up bacon in the play kitchen.  Noah was wrestled to the ground so I could put his clothes on him.

And all of that was before we went to the grocery store.  Then…

Crying.  Climbing out of the cart.  Sitting on the bananas.Mom, I'm hot!  Mom, I want to go home! Mommmmy!Trips back and forth from the car to the house carrying the groceries.  Noah fell.  Noah escaped and ran out front by the busy road.  Noah fell again.  Grace whined.  I yelled.

Finally I shoved the kids into the house and told them to stay there while I got the last of the groceries.  When I came in they were in the fridge, stuffing pepperoni into their mouths, and spilling it all over the fridge.

a desperate text message

I locked myself in the bathroom, cried, and sent Nate those last two text messages.  I was desperate.  I am desperate.  Nothing terrible happened today, yet it was one of my worst days.  It is amazing how that happens sometimes.

Everything feels hard these days.  Making breakfast.  Getting the kids dressed.  Laundry. Cleaning the house.  Making supper.  Getting out the door.  There is a melt down and catastrophe around every corner.  The simplest tasks seem difficult these days.  There are some parts of early motherhood that I will not miss.

blocks in the toaster

So how do I cope? First of all, I'm forever thankful that I have God and Nate on my side.  Obviously, they are my biggest life lines.

Secondly, I really do enjoy my children.  Grace and Noah, when you read this someday you might not get it.  You might think I was miserable.  I'm not really.  Parenthood is just hard.  It is hard, butworthit.You are worth it.  I love you when you're good and I love you when you're naughty.  I love you always.

Lastly, I have some simple pleasures that get me through the day.  You might call them guilty pleasures, but I don't feel guilty.  So just for fun, I want to celebrate my simple sanity savers with you today.

i heart oreos

6 Simple Sanity Savers

1) Oreos – I admire those who eat a "real food" diet.  I have been cutting back on processed food in my house, but Oreos will always be welcome in my pantry.Always!

2) Reality TV – My favorite show of all time isBig Brother.It is a ridiculous show of drama, competitions, voting, and back stabbing.   I can't get enough.  A close second isThe Bachelor.  I am loving this season with Juan Pablo.  I'm hoping Andi is around for the long haul.The Bachelor is on tonight and I can hardly wait.  (Feel free to chat me with on Facebook or Twitter about these mindless TV shows.  I always have lots to say!)

3) YouTube – I don't know how this happened, but I've been sucked into the world of YouTube.  I subscribe to several channels.  Some of them might seem normal, like Mama Natural and Convos With My 2 Year Old.  Others fill my need for superficial pop culture.  Then there is a collection that I'm too embarrassed to admit that I watch.  I'm pretty sure they are most popular among 16 year olds and I am not their target audience.  Let's just say, if you know about shipping, collab videos, and the boyfriend tag, then you might be on my same wave length.

4) Voxer – This is a smartphone walkie-talkie app.  Ilove it.  I chat with my friend across the world.  I chat with blogging friends across the country.  I chat with other stay-at-home moms across town.  I don't feel so alone when I can pop on voxer from time to time and connect with a fellow mom.

5) Podcasts – Are you listening to podcasts yet?  You should be.  They rock.  I listen to them to pass the time while I'm cooking supper, driving, or cleaning.  They are a nice substitute for stimulating adult conversation while I'm in this stage of life.  Here are 4 of my favorite podcasts.  Since writing that post, I've also started listening to How They Blog, Smart Passive Income, and The Longest Shortest Time.  Look them up!  I'm even tempted to start my own podcast some day.

6) Coffee – I've always enjoyed coffee, but I never drank it on a daily basis until after Noah was born.  That warm mug of sweet, creamy, heaven every morning is good for the soul.  In the summer I enjoyed these.  Feel free to send them to me by the case full along with the Oreos.  *wink-wink*

taking a mental break

Nate honored my request and came home for lunch today.  He was amazing.  I collapsed in the living room and he cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, ran the dishwasher, and tucked Grace in her nap.  He was such a blessing.

So now that my house is clean, my children have rested, and I had some alone time, I feel so much better.The 6 things I listed above do make me smile and relax throughout the day, but on a more serious note, I need to remember that these things are truly what helps:

  • prayer & worship
  • talk to my husband
  • drink a glass of water
  • get more sleep
  • cuddle the kids
  • get some fresh air
  • be thankful for little things
  • remember I'm not the only one that feels this way at times (which is why I'm sharing this post with you!)

Tomorrow is a new day.  It will be filled with new challenges and new joys.  And I thank the Lord for it!

What are your sanity savers?  How do you get through days when you feel like you are losing your mind?

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting Simply Rebekah!


Source: https://simplyrebekah.com/6-simple-sanity-savers/

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