My Amazon Kindle Uploading Picture to Facebook Without Me Knowing

Over iii years ago I was introduced to the world of print on demand and all of the benefits that it offers. Before POD (print on demand) I had tried almost every method at that place was to brand coin online. I made websites, I ran traffic campaigns, and I even sold on FBA like a lot of you! I even tried out Teespring and had zero success considering I was non sure what I was doing.

Then, i 24-hour interval, I stumbled on the print on demand platform called Merch by Amazon .

When I jumped on and started trying it out, I realized a few things.

The start was that Amazon handled EVERYTHING and all you had to do was upload designs.

2d (and this is the nearly important), Amazon provided all the traffic for Gratis because information technology was on their platform. That meant that there was no customer service, no dealing with aircraft product, and zero caput ache. The more products I put designs on, the more money I made.

This is what started it all…

Then came what nosotros volition talk over in this guide and that is how to accept your business concern avails (in this instance, these are going to exist elementary designs you make) and repurpose them to make thousands of dollars with some other print on demand avenue THROUGH Amazon.

If you have ever tried your manus at print on demand and creating designs to sell on dissimilar products, and so you will find this method incredibly easy and lucrative with a footling bit of try.

What is KDP?

Amazon KDP

KDP stands for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and has been around for many years. The idea is that if yous are an author you tin can either release your book through traditional publishing or you can decide to self publish your book. Self publishing has go more than and more favored over the by few years and this is where KDP comes in. It gives yous the ability to publish books ON Amazon for their giant client base, and information technology also lets you commencement selling immediately.

Only a few short months ago, if you wanted to self publish your book, you would go to CreateSpace and publish your work. Amazon owns create space and decided to merge this company inside of KDP so that y'all can launch your print on need books through the KDP platform.

"But expect, I don't have a volume! Why am I reading this?"

This is the best role! You can sell what are called low content/no content books through KDP. All you have to practice is upload a comprehend (artwork/blueprint), an interior, title, some keywords and hit publish. Later that, your paperback book will be for sale on Amazon. Depression content/no content books mean that the interior of the book is exactly what you may be thinking. They are very depression on content! Think about journals, notebooks…all they are is lined paper!

Each time you brand a sale, Amazon will print the book and ship information technology to the customer. You get paid for this without whatsoever additional work.

KDP Direct Publishing Dashboard

Why No Content Books Through KDP?

Virtually all of the ebook sales on the net become through Amazon. This number is over 80% co-ordinate to some recently published studies. When it comes to printed books, almost One-half of the book goes through Amazon. When you look at those numbers, you see that Amazon basically owns the markets for books and they have the customer base to keep on growing it.

And then many people are shopping for these low content books on Amazon for many reasons. This could be a sketch book for their role, a journal for their school, or a music sheet for their hobby.

Using KDP, y'all can take whatever of the design avails that you lot may already accept for your impress on need business organisation and use them to sell make new products. If you lot take 1 design file, you can sell this as a low content book, but you tin switch up the interior of every book. That means that your 1 design file could potentially be 10 or more books for sale on the Amazon platform.

Uploading designs to KDP also gives you lot some benefits that other print on demand platforms just do not have such every bit:

  • No upload limits
  • No sales minimum
  • Multiple products (with the aforementioned cover)
  • Backend keywords

Use KDP For Your Business Assets

If you are already a POD seller, then you will probably all the same accept some design files somewhere. You may have 10, or you may accept x,000. These are the avails that you have built for your business that you lot can plough into Some other revenue stream.

If yous practise not have any designs, we will go over how to create some to apply on Amazon KDP.

With but a piddling bit of effort on the side (or perchance your main gig), you lot can plough these designs into an extra $ane,000 or more per month with print on demand low content books.

You lot owe it to yourself to put up some products and encounter how they do! Let's become into how everything works!

Amazon KDP Print on Demand Method

To get this stream of income going for your concern, you need three things:

  • KDP Account
  • Designs
  • Low Content Book Interiors

You should also take an idea of how to look up what people are purchasing off Amazon. If you are an FBA seller or a Merch seller, you know this means you will demand to exercise a flake of research and understand keywords.

KDP Business relationship

To begin, y'all need to get yourself a KDP business relationship. Unlike other print on demand platforms, yous can get a KDP account RIGHT now without any wait menses.

Sign up for KDP here:

Become sign up for KDP and and then come back to this article…

Alright, now that you accept a KDP account, click on your name in the upper right hand corner and make full out some information before you start uploading your books.

KDP Account Log In

Y'all need to fill out your author publisher information. This is simply going to be your name, where your alive and your phone number. Y'all need to make full this in because this is how they are going to know who they are sending coin to after you outset selling!

2d, fill out the payment information. Y'all demand to enter a bank account so that KDP can send yous a direct deposit to your banking concern. Once you kickoff making sales, y'all will go a lot of emails each month for different locales you are selling in, but more than on that later on.

Finally, make full out the tax interview. Respond the questions truthfully so that they know if they need to take whatsoever withholding on your account or not.


Y'all at present take your KDP account set up so let's move on to the 2d step!

You need to become some designs to put on your books. If you already have some print on demand pattern assets, yous can skip this function.

You have two choices when you lot want to go some designs, yous can either create them yourself, or y'all can outsource them to a designer. If you are looking to outsource to a designer, I suggest reading how to outsource designs on upwork or checking out a design service such every bit this.

For everyone else, you lot probably want to create your own designs or are wondering how to get them ready to put on books (and not clothing).

If you know how to utilise Photoshop or Illustrator, you tin grab the templates for KDP right here. This will allow yous to add your artwork that you lot create and plow them into covers.

If nevertheless, you are like me and have Zip artistic ability and have a difficult time using Photoshop, so you lot will want to cheque out the Book Bolt Designer. This designer is part of the Book Commodities software and volition permit you to use a elevate and driblet editor to download upload set up PDF book covers for this KDP method.

First select a size (I like to use 6X9 for about books) and a page count. I generally like to use 120 pages for each book. This will and then bring upward the designer template where you tin create your artwork:

Create KDP

Make sure that that when designing your book y'all add a background color. You can and then add whatsoever images/text to your comprehend for the pattern. Remember, SIMPLE sells very well on notebooks/journals.

Design your book in Amazon KDP

As you can see, I now have a volume cover design that is ready to download. Simply click on download from the top menu, and you take your PDF that is ready to upload to KDP!

Finally, we need a low content interior. You can create i yourself, buy one from a service, or download one of the free templates that Book Bolt offers here:

I suggest starting out with journal pages or college ruled paper (these are just lined pages). Make sure that these friction match upwards with your interior (match upwards the corporeality of pages, and make sure you select "bleed"".

Download the PDF and you lot now have the low content interior to upload along with your book comprehend.

Y'all are now ready to upload your first print on need book to Kindle Direct Publishing!

Uploading Books to KDP

Log back in to your KDP business relationship that you signed upwardly to in the beginning of this guide. You volition see a place to create a new title. You tin select Kindle ebook or Paperback. You lot will desire to select the paperback options equally no one is going to buy a low content volume if they tin't physically write in it!

Create Amazon KDP Title

After you lot select the paperback option, you take three tabs to fill out. These are really easy but let'due south walk through all the steps.

On the outset page, select English every bit the language as the majority of your sales are going to come from

The second box is going to ask you for a book title and sub title. The book title MUST match what the embrace of your book has on information technology. If it does non, the KDP reviewers will deny the book. Match up the book championship exactly, so add in a subtitle that is Simple and to the bespeak (do not keyword stuff anything hither).

Amazon KDP Book Title

In the next boxes yous have the choice to fill out a series and edition number. Skip these! Your no content volume does not have whatever of these and you can besides skip the contributor section since you lot do non accept i.

Y'all will demand to add an writer to your depression content book. Make full out the Commencement and Concluding name. These are going to exist your make and tin be whatever you want them to be. They practise not need to be your full name. As y'all tin see from the screenshot, I set up the showtime proper name equally "volume" and the final proper name to "bolt". This means the book will be listed under the brand name "volume bolt" on Amazon.

KDP Author Box

You lot will want to add a description for your book but do not go overboard here. Just give a simple description of who the volume would be skilful for and leave it at that. You want to keep information technology simple because this is non the place to add keywords.

Adjacent, make sure y'all have the radio button that says yous own the copyright and hold the rights for publishing. If you created the design or had information technology created, and so yous should be selecting this radio push button.

Finally, yous get to a department to add keywords. This is the Nigh Of import part of the unabridged process.

Amazon KDP Keywords

KDP suggests that you do not apply the same keywords hither that you lot use in your championship when you were filling out your book details. I like to make full the keyword boxes ALL the way with keywords from other hot sellers in the niche. Y'all can meet these keywords inside of Book Bolt or yous tin can take a await at Amazon and filter out all of the other products.

One time you lot have the keywords filled out, you can move on to the next step.

Select that your volume does non include adult content (most likely it does not) and then pick a category for your volume. Selection a category that is "close enough" but make sure that is relevant. Then, click on the save and continue push button.

You lot just have 2 more pages to go and these are quick.

Click on the button to assign your volume a free ISBN number to your book.

Amazon KDP ISBN Generator

You tin can then decide to add a publication date. If y'all practice, merely select today'south date and movement on to the side by side section.

Amazon KDP Print Options

Unless your book has a colour interior, do Non choice this option as it volition brand your book incredible expensive. Y'all tin can select between white paper or cream paper. This comes downwardly to personal preference but does non impact your book at all. I always go with white paper.

Next, select the trim size for your volume. If y'all are following this guide and selected 6X9, then y'all volition desire to make sure that you pick that exact trim size inside of KDP.

Select a bleed setting. If you are using the free templates, select Bleed. This will depend on what templates you are using but make sure that you lucifer this up with your interior template.

Finally, pick matte or glossy. This will be for your comprehend and does not affect the price of your book. Again, this is a personal preference.

Now that you take those filled out, you can finally upload your files.

Upload the manuscript (this is your interior file).

Amazon KDP Interior

This can take a while to process, so motion on to uploading the cover for your volume. Brand certain to select the choice where you have a PDF file and desire to upload that (do non utilize their cover creator, it is Awful!).

And so, await till they process!

KDP Upload

Once your files take candy, you need to look at them through their previewer and approve the file. Click on approve if everything looks good and you lot can then motion on to pricing:

Amazon KDP Final Upload

The pricing is my favorite part. Non merely practice you upload your volume cover and interior ONCE (and it never comes downward or requires annihilation else from y'all), merely it allows you to sell on multiple marketplaces at once.

Amazon KDP Pricing and Royalties

Requite your book a price in Usa dollars and it will automatically fill in the other marketplaces. Information technology volition then tell you the royalty that you get on every sale. Y'all will also want to select expanded distribution for a take chances to make even more sales.

Cost points for these books do VERY well around $six.99-$7.99 and you will brand a few dollars per sale at these prices.

Finally, scroll to the bottom and click on publish your paperback book. This will send your book for approval. After it has been approved (typically 24 hours or less), your impress on need book will be for auction on Amazon!

Publish on Amazon KDP

That is all there is to it!

Once your volume is alive on Amazon, it will exist available to millions of people who browse Amazon every day to purchase.

Wrapping It Up

Just similar that, in the almost simplistic explanation, you now know how to become from zero to your first print on need book live on Amazon through the KDP platform.

At that place is unlimited potential here especially if yous got into Merch by Amazon or are familiar with impress on demand. If you are non, then it is actually easy to become started today and get your first few products online. Even if you are an FBA seller or have another online business, this is a keen opportunity to add Some other stream of income to your process.

In that location is no barrier to entry and y'all tin can start today. You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try and run into what happens!

Expert luck!


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